ATTACHMENT (to people, things, situations)

We be attached to, people, pets, relationships, places, objects, and even dates, like 31-DEC new year’s day , 25-DEC christmas-day, etc, because of the bond it provides.

So, here I learn every about attachment from different whoever wherever🤷‍♂️

For Her to release Emotional Attachment, this  “Cutting the Cords Meditation” is one of Her most effective, targeted practices, helping Her “Cutting the Cords” linking Her to attachments that don’t serve Her🤔

She encourages You to be present Today, practice this every Today, start Live Life Today😉!

When You look ‘inside You’ today, and focus on working on You today, that your worth is on the inside, You eventually become less attached to Material Possessions today! 
As He explains in here, Knowing Your worth heals You of the fear of losing possesions!

Build Yourself Today, Own the ‘things’, NOT the ‘things’ to own You🤷‍♀️

In here👇, attachment is simplified to emotion!
In brief, His technics are:

> observing or reccogonising that feeling about something someone!
>>  ..then relaxing for about 1 or 10 minutes (not dodging)
>>> …hen ask Yourself, “can I allow this feeling?”
>>>> …. further more: “Could I let this feeling?”
>>>>> …..eventually: “Would I …?”

Hope with this 👆 LETTING GO technique,

To Overcome All Attachments, Simply, that👇,
just face truth, lose any emotional connection 🤷‍♀️!

Infact, I would reccommend communicate with Your HigherSelf,
click HERE